Thursday, October 20, 2022

Five Sources of News

    Nowadays, there's a variety of sources to receive current news, some sources being more accessible than others. Social media is presently more known for putting out news, that being said social media takes the top 3 spots on my list of news resources. The 2 remaining spots on my list are filled by easily accessed apps and website pages on my phone. The best way for me to check the news is to pull out my phone. 

    The top spot on my news resource list goes to Instagram. With a simple open of the app I am immediately shown a news article on either, my feed, or on the news page itself. Instagram is my most used app on my phone, meaning it takes up a lot of my time. I find it very easy to navigate the app, and in that case find whatever news I'm looking for at the time. 

    The second spot on my news list is easily given to TikTok. There is such a variety of ways to access news sources on TikTok, whether that be going to a specific news page, searching news in the search bar, or finding it on your foryoupage. TikTok consists of short, typically entertaining, videos. I really love TikTok as a news source because there is minimal reading and videos only last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. 

    As far as my third choice for accessing news, I would have to say I use Snapchat the third most. There is a discover page on the app that provides different news platforms that you can watch. They all consist of small videos and links to the webpages. I like using snapchat besides it is one of my most used apps, so I am typically on it when I am going on my phone. I also like that the news on the app is mostly celebrity news, which is something I find extremely interesting. 

    Besides social media I get my news from the news app on my phone. The app comes already downloaded on your phone making it very accessible. The app is also programmed to send the user notifications when breaking news is occurring. I would have to say this is my favorite feature of the app because it grabs my attention when I get the notification and encourages me to go into the app and read the article. Truthfully, I wished I used the News app more because it provides every news source you could think of.

    My last news source would be accessing it through my television. High Point University provides cable boxes for all dorms, so I simply just have to plug it into my TV and I am able to access all cable sources. When I am intrigued all I do is turn on my TV and change the channel to either the local news, FOX8 or FOX. I like watching the news on the TV because there is no reading large articles but rather just watching and listening to someone talk about what is going on. 

    News sources are all around us. I tend to find news sources on my phone the best for me considering I always have my phone on me. Social media has evolved to the point of having news linked right on it. Accessibility is key for me when going to a read and/or watch the news. 

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