Monday, December 12, 2022

Final presentation blog: Killing Communication

 Since the creation of the World Wide Web, I believe the concept of mass communication has fell victim to being entirely online. Although the World Wide Web was an extreme advantage for society it has also created a lot of unwanted issues for the world. The overall idea of being able to communicate with anyone, anywhere you want, at any given time was such a dream to all, but quickly turned against us and created on growing isolation. Society was gifted the use of the internet and quickly took advantage of the communicational aspects and in a sense ruined both communication as a whole and the way society is wired.  

    Technology has become so evolved to the point where we can communicate in seconds to people cross country from us, something that would take us weeks and months to do, or not at all. This is an amazing thing to think about, but would our communication reflect the same in person as it is online? With this new communication technology, it is clear to see that in person interactions have began struggling. There is a loss in good human communication in which there aren’t proper hand gestures, body language, listening skills, grammar, eye contact, and so much more. People are now more comfortable with texting, calling, emailing, etc. than going and talking to someone in person.

    Isolation between all persons, even people super close to each other like friends and family is very clear nowadays. The idea of just sending a quick text or even calling instead of going to see someone prevents the amount of time we see these people overall. In the moment the online communication seems like a great idea but in the end, it is taking away face to face interactions with people that you care about or care about talking to. Once growing comfortability in not interacting with people, what will ever make someone want to interact in person again? 

    There are everyday occurrences in which we all see the isolation that is brought to society. Have you ever been out eating lunch with someone, and they are just on their phone the whole time? This is such a clear instance in which someone chooses to interact online rather than the opportunity of human interaction in front of them. Whether they are on their phone talking to other people or being on social media it is still considering isolation considering there is a chance to talk to someone face to face in front of you. 


    When watching the videos in class I realized how big of an issue technology really is in everyday life, always seeing people hide behind a screen. Besides the fact of technology altering communication, social media also takes a massive toll on how society interacts as well. Social media has created many issues pertaining to body image, beauty standards, comparing issues, individuality and of course communication. As social media continues to grow all these issues grow as well. Social media has taken over the lives of technology users, and sometimes becomes more used than communication apps. Clearly there is an issue with communication as a whole, but now we see that there is an even deeper decrease of communication due to social media. People aren’t seeing each other in person, the they don’t even talk to each other online because they are too busy being drawn into the temptations of what social media has to offer. Although we all know about the negative impacts that social media has to bring it is still such an extremely desired thing among all of society. 

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Final presentation blog: Killing Communication

  Since the creation of the World Wide Web, I believe the concept of mass communication has fell victim to being entirely online. Although t...