Monday, December 5, 2022

Age of AI

 Artificial Intelligence is way more complex than I have ever thought about. As AI technologies continue to improve and become more complex it is easy to say that it will continue to get harder to secure our privacy. It truly is a very frightening thing to think about in the terms of feeling secured. Although we may feel as if our information is private from others/ the government, AI technology is sure to get the information from us in some way. The issue between AI technologies and privacy isn’t only an issue within the United States but also in China. As Kai-Fu Lee exclaimed in the video, and also his book, rather than seeing AI technology as an issue we should combine the two AI superpowers and use it to our advantage. Lee believes that we should take this negative of technology and turn it into a positive and help benefit humanity.

Artificial Intelligence is taking notes on pretty much everything we do on our phones, computers, iPads, etc while we continue to remain unaware. Not only are we being tracked on what we are looking up or viewing on these devices but also the things we are saying or talking about while being around said devices. Products such as Alexa's, echo dots, and hey googles are prime examples of devices listening to a consumer. By just saying the devices name they immediately announce they are listening to you and go on to help you with what you are asking. How are we to know they ever stop listening? Providers make this an asset of Artificial Intelligence in order to learn more about the user to then encourage them to do certain things or think a certain way. A great example of persuasion in artificial intelligence is during election times when viewers online feed is infested with information on both political sides. More specifically, AI technologies take notes on which political side a viewer leans more towards and then will project those promotions onto the viewers social media feed. If someone happened to be extremely invested in looking at republican sided news, most likely their feed would involve republican based posts, or posts made by strongly right sided people. 


Clearly Artificial Intelligence is very complex in the concept of obtaining information on their users and using it to their benefit (advertisements, interests, information, etc.), but it is also advanced in other ways such as face and finger recognition along with cars that drive themselves. It is not hard to notice that as time continues, advancements are bound to be made to AI technology. All the way on the other side of the world we are seeing these technologies as well. As China continues to compete with the United States they have pushed more towards a “surveillance state” through Artificial intelligence. China’s overall desire for this technology is to understand the citizen’s opinions on government, whether they like it or disagree with it. Kai-Fu Lee exclaims that Artificial Intelligence takes away from jobs of people that are in poverty currently. 

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